61st Annual Earth Science Gem and Mineral
- Location: Wilmington, DE
Date: 3/31/2018 12:00 AM
Location: New St. Quarries, Paterson NJ, ,
Hosted by: Ron “the ChiselBuster” Schulz Bonus feature: seeing Andy Givens and Eric Stanchich at work Date : Sat Mar 31, 2018 Trip attendees: (Hog), Steve “Pickles” Wien w Grace, host Ron “Chiselbuster” Schulz w Max and Angel, Alaine Kamin w Rainier, Jess Jacobson, Gary Quam, Linda Lovstad, Mike “Mr Maui” Machette, Paul “Mr Reveille” Radziewicz, Dave “Dude” Miller, Tim “Hitchhiker” Hollister w son Mark, Janet Strachan, “Dr.” Diane Carluccio, Peter Vereb and Irene Potter w son, Mark Kucera, Bob Drelick A great time was had by all at the New St. trip. Excellent narration and tour of Upper and Lower quarries by NoJMS’s own Ron “the ChiselBuster” Schulz definitely much enhanced the New St experience. Also getting to see the resident regulars, Andy Givens and Eric Stanchich, at work as well as Ron and Jess and Mike Machete added to the day. Pieces of varying sizes and qualities of prehnite, chabazite, calcite, amethyst, quartz, stilbite, analcime and a few unknowns were found readily in different parts of Upper New St. Dave “Groundhog” ShapiroHosted by: Ron “the ChiselBuster” Schulz Bonus feature: seeing Andy Givens and Eric Stanchich at work Date : Sat Mar 31, 2018 Trip attendees: (Hog), Steve “Pickles” Wien w Grace, host Ron “Chiselbuster” Schulz w Max and Angel, Alaine Kamin w Rainier, Jess Jacobson, Gary Quam, Linda Lovstad, Mike “Mr Maui” Machette, Paul “Mr Reveille” Radziewicz, Dave “Dude” Miller, Tim “Hitchhiker” Hollister w son Mark, Janet Strachan, “Dr.” Diane Carluccio, Peter Vereb and Irene Potter w son, Mark Kucera, Bob Drelick A great time was had by all at the New St. trip. Excellent narration and tour of Upper and Lower quarries by NoJMS’s own Ron “the ChiselBuster” Schulz definitely much enhanced the New St experience. Also getting to see the resident regulars, Andy Givens and Eric Stanchich, at work as well as Ron and Jess and Mike Machete added to the day. Pieces of varying sizes and qualities of prehnite, chabazite, calcite, amethyst, quartz, stilbite, analcime and a few unknowns were found readily in different parts of Upper New St. Dave “Groundhog” Shapiro