Mineral Collecting at La Sambre quarry, Landelies, Belgium
- Location: Marlboro, NJ
Date: 2/20/2024 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Speaker: Professor Steve Okulewicz
Location: Monmouth Worship Center 37 Vanderburg Rd., Marlboro, 07746
Professor Steve Okulewicz from Hofstra University on Long Island, New York will do a presentation on the Origins of Gemstones in Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks. He will review the conditions under which these minerals/gemstones form, especially those that occur in igneous pegmatite rocks. Professor Okulewicz has taught courses at Hofstra University in geology, geochemistry, and gemology. He is also the current President of the Staten Island Geological Society.
Post Event Write-Up:
Attendance: Taken 24 F2F and 5 virtual (** Ken J and Neal L. were present but didn’t sign; Steve Okulewicz signed accidentally)
Refreshments Thanks to the following who donated items: Ray Sann – Fruit dish, fruit pastries; Ken Jasko – wrapped Pretzels; Groundhog Dave – Chips and dip, Choc chip cookies, Soda / Iced tea, Waters; other items – Munchkins (not Dunkin’); Cake tray
John Montgomery – 10 $ Foods Donation
Shows upcoming and field trips: SEE CALENDAR
Program: Origin of Gemstones in various Rock types, by Dr. Steve Okulewicz
About Dr. Steve Okulewicz: Dr.Okulewicz is from Staten Island NY and is a geology professor at Hofstra University where he specializes in teaching physical geology, geochemistry, mineralogy and gemology. He gave us all insight into his youth growing up and collecting the different igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks all found in his hometown area that lead to his life’s passion. We were also told stories about some of his fantastic excursions to different mines along with his oceanography and geology presentations he does on cruise ships during his off-teaching time. A fun fact is that Dr. Okulewicz is also a magician and shared his talent with us after his talk!
The talk started off with a background discussion on the differences between gemstones and other stones, minerals etc before going into the main topic of what gemstones come from which types of rocks (igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic). He covered each type in detail and gave many examples of particular geology regions and the well known gem mines there (and why they have the stunning gems they do). A good number of these mines have been visited by Dr. Okulewicz! He discussed a multiple mines in the US are that accessible for gem hunting! Some of the highlighted gemstones include:
diamonds (igneous and found mainly in kimberlite pipes) Africa, US and Canada
rubies & sapphires (metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary), Africa, Asia, Australia and US
emeralds (metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary)
Mineral Mayhem # specimens for drawing: 22
Donations from: Kenny Jasko (4 large specimens); John Montgomery (box of polished Turquoise pieces); Will George (grab-bag of Fire Agate pieces); Groundhog Dave - 16 specimens for Raffle
You could be recognized here for donating specimens or books toward next month’s raffle.