61st Annual Earth Science Gem and Mineral
- Location: Wilmington, DE
Date: 1/16/2018 12:00 AM
Attendees: KC, John, Will, Mike and Dave We briefly discussed Rutgers OH. Mike, Lynn and I will man a club table at museum, provided by Dr Lauren, to advertise club and kids’ activities to help her out. Other members will most likely attend the Mineral Sale We briefly discussed setting up a “dry run” trip to Morris Museum in the Spring, to gauge what level of interest in case we use Gail’s offer for Peabody, which is unlikely. KC, and / or John B and Groundhog will check out Museum prior to trip. We mentioned four new members from the Holiday Party. New trip ideas reminder: ask Paul C / Kevin for info on collecting localities in Conn. or other New England states. KC suggested doing a trip or two with DMS and FM-P. KC also suggested looking at EMFLS Library for trip / movie ideas KC mentioned (and I said I was thinking same thing) about more frequent speakers. Maybe every other month or 3 months as I suggested. Of course, finances will dictate. We discussed Jeff O’s legislation for the State mineral. KC will contact Friends National for support for us. It was decided to take down Justin’s poll on FB about the mineral. Since it’s “pinned”, it always pops up first. John B brought up swapping more often at meetings and possible giveaways. KC and John brought up Fellowship of the Rock for Aug 2018 and having giveaways and swapping. Charging dealers was brought up by KC after Groundhog brought up having potential dealers not bringing 20 flats and finding out it’s a pool party. Everyone present agreed on spending some of our Treasury money on this. We will continue to discuss. Also, this will be advertised much differently than in past with emphasis on camaraderie, the pool and food with some minerals thrown in. The Edison Show (now five days) was discussed. We will take a club table and physically be there Sat. and Sun. but only have flyers there. Maybe KC can leave them earlier in week. We discussed how to approach polling people on what they want to do at meetings. John B. suggested a FB posting. Also emailing could be applicable. Will P. mentioned a lot of what I bring up in general would be better in emails sent to everyone. No one objected. I might utilize. My idea of back to bi-monthly was not well received but conversation was in the vein of “just keep plugging, don’t give up.” Submitted by Dave Shapiro.